Terms And Conditions

Welcome to TheCouponNinja.com!

These terms and conditions explain the rules for using TheCouponNinja.com, located at support@thecouponninja.com.

By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree, please do not continue to use TheCouponNinja.com.


  • “Client”, “You”, and “You’re” refer to you, the user of this website.
  • “The Company”, “We”, “Our”, and “Us” refer to TheCouponNinja.com.
  • “Party” and “Parties” refer to both you and us.


We use cookies to improve your experience. By accessing TheCouponNinja.com, you agree to our use of cookies as outlined in our Privacy Policy. Cookies help us remember your details and enhance website functionality. Some of our partners may also use cookies.


TheCouponNinja.com and its licensors own the rights to the content on this website. You can access this content for personal use but must not:

  • Republish, sell, rent, or sub-license content from TheCouponNinja.com
  • Reproduce or copy content from TheCouponNinja.com
  • Redistribute content from TheCouponNinja.com

User Comments

Users can post comments on our website. We do not filter or review these comments before they appear. Comments reflect the views of the person posting them, not TheCouponNinja.com. We are not responsible for any damages or issues caused by comments.

We have the right to monitor and remove comments that we find inappropriate or that violate these terms and conditions.

By posting comments, you agree that:

  • You have the right to post them.
  • They do not infringe on any intellectual property rights.
  • They are not defamatory, offensive, or illegal.
  • They are not used for commercial purposes.

You grant TheCouponNinja.com the right to use, reproduce, and edit your comments.

Hyperlinking to Our Content

Certain organizations may link to our website without prior approval:

  • Government agencies
  • Search engines
  • News organizations
  • Online directories
  • Accredited businesses, except soliciting non-profits and charity groups

These organizations can link to our homepage or other content as long as the link is not misleading and does not falsely imply sponsorship or endorsement.

We may approve link requests from other organizations if they meet certain criteria. If you wish to link to our site, contact us with your details and the URLs you intend to link from and to.


You may not create frames around our web pages without prior approval.

Content Liability

We are not responsible for content on websites that link to ours. You agree to protect us from any claims arising from your website. No links should appear on your site that are defamatory, obscene, criminal, or violate any third-party rights.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to request the removal of any links to our website. By linking to our site, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Removal of Links from Our Website

If you find any link on our site offensive, contact us, and we will consider your request to remove it, though we are not obligated to do so.


To the fullest extent allowed by law, we exclude all representations and warranties related to our website. This does not limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury, fraud, or any other liability that cannot be excluded by law.

As long as our website and services are free, we are not liable for any loss or damage of any kind.